District | Sundargarh | |
State | Odisha | |
Country | India | |
Area | 53.3 Sq.km | |
Height from Sea Level | 198 Mtrs. | |
No. of Wards | 40 | |
No. of Revenue villages | 26 | |
Population | 309689 | As per Cencus 2011 |
Slums | 132 Nos. | |
Slum Population | 164860 | As per Cencus 2011 |
Slum Household | 40480 | As per Cencus 2011 |
Officers Quarters | 3 Nos. | |
Staff Quarters | 126 Nos. | |
Public Library | 5 Nos. | |
No. of Houses Assessed to Tax | 18500 (Appx.) | |
No. of Market | 40 Nos. | |
No. of Market Complex | 21 Nos. | |
No. of Shop | 1390 Nos. | |
No. of Food Court | 5 Nos. | |
No. of Vending Zone | 6 Nos. | |
Public Toilet with Urinial | 50 Nos. | |
Community Toilet with Urinial | 65 Nos. | |
Pvt. Hospital | 32 Nos. | |
Public Urinal | 4 Nos. | |
Public Park | 4 Nos. | |
Ponds | 22 Nos. | |
Fountain | 6 Nos. | |
Bacteria free Cold Drinking Water Supply System | 15 Nos. | |
Govt. Hospital | 1 Nos. | |
UPHC | 10 Nos. | |
UCHC | 1 Nos. | |
Ponds | 7 Nos. | |
Fountain | 16 Nos. | |
Bacteria free Cold Drinking Water Supply System | 15 Nos. | |
Water Supply Centre | 4 Nos. | |
Water Treatment Plant | 4 Nos. | |
Anganwadi Centre | 120 Nos. | |
Burial Ground & Crematorium | 7 Nos. | |
Veterinary Dispensary | 1 Nos. | |
Kine House | 1 Nos. | |
Temple | 98 Nos. | |
Club | 4 Nos. | |
Kalyan Mandap & Community Centre | 3 Nos. | |
Working Women’s Hostel | 1 Nos. | |
Stadium | 8 Nos. | |
Park | 122 Nos. | |
Micro Composting Center (MCC) | 8 Nos. | |
Material Recovery Facility Center (MRF) | 8 Nos. | |
Shelter for Urban Homeless | 4 Nos. | |
Rental House | 2 Nos. | |
Old Age Home | 1 No. | |
Aahaar Center | 6 Nos. | |
Sewerage Treatement Plant (STP) | 1 No. | |
Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP) | 1 No. | |
Total Road Length | 486.485 Km | Bitumen – 183.247 Km |
Concrete – 257.448 Km | ||
Earthen – 45.79 Km | ||
Length of Drain | 453.09 Km | Pucca – 317.85 Km |
Earthen – 103.45 Km | ||
Natural – 32.60 Km | ||
Street Light Points | 7775 Nos. |
The details has been taken from official RMC website.